So I’m thinking…

I don’t want to be a travel agent any more.

Don’t get it twisted, travel is still my passion. It’s becoming more and more clear that this is not the path I want to go. I miss the airlines. I miss the fast pace. I miss people. No lie, I miss the free flights the most.

My current job is the complete opposite. I work alone most of the time. The work days are predictable. I hardly meet any of my clients in person, and worst of all, the cash flow is inconsistent.

I wanted to give it a year. Six months is enough.

Need to find a new direction in this industry. It just may mean moving out of Phoenix to pursue better opportunities.

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2 Responses to So I’m thinking…

  1. wow! really? actually, i think it's great that you came to that conclusion so quickly. the perfect opportunity is out there waiting for you – I know it!

  2. tanyetta says:

    I like the way you think. If you're feeling this way, go for it :)

    Oh and the mommy in me says don't quit a job until you have 2 more jobs lined up :)

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